Top 10 Advantages of Getting an Adult Dog

Adult dog

Are you thinking of joining the ranks of the canine enhanced? Ready to take the puppy plunge? Good for you! But before you commit to getting a puppy consider this: puppies aren’t the only options. There are some fantastic advantages for anyone willing to open their home to an adult dog, and depending on the breed and age of the adult dog in question there are significant benefits. Especially if you value your time, money and slippers. In no particular order, here are my top ten advantages for getting an adult dog!

Established Personality

One of the most helpful benefits of getting an adult dog is that they have an established personality, you will know if your dog is one that loves lots of petting and affection or if he/she is a dog that loves to work.

Less Need For Supervision

They will not need as much time and attention as a puppy.  For example, you will not have to worry as much about leaving your dog home alone while you are at work.

Complimentary Lifestyles

You can choose an adult dog whose personality is suitable to your own. Do you want a dog with a lot of energy so you can take long hikes, go bike riding and other activities that need more energy?  Or do you prefer relaxed moments, short walks and then a quiet night of TV?

Reduced Veterinarian Bills

Adopting an adult dog from a shelter ensures they have been spayed or neutered. Having a dog that has already been spayed or neutered is a great way to help with the overpopulation problems we are facing.  Last year over a million dogs became euthanized.

The Slipper Factor

You won’t have to worry about an adult dog creating havoc in your home. Older dogs have usually already gone through their destructive phase, so you will not have to worry about coming home to Domestic Armageddon.

Less Soiled Carpets

An adult dog does not need as many bathroom breaks as a puppy. When you get a puppy, the puppy is not house trained so you will have to take him/her out to potty several times a day until he/she learns to go outside on their own.  A puppy is not able to wait a long time in between using the bathroom because they won’t have much control over their bladder for a few months.

Skip Grade School

You can train adult dogs more easily than puppies. Adult dogs have a longer attention span therefore, they are easier to train than young puppies.

Large Selection

There are more adult dogs available for adoption than puppies. Every time I go to the local humane society I see hundreds of adult dogs waiting for their forever home. In comparison to maybe 10 puppies, which I know will get adopted. It makes me sad.

Kid Durable

Depending upon the breed you choose, an adult dog is often more suitable for children. Most adult dogs are not able to get hurt by a child accidentally playing too rough.

Possibly Trained Already

They may also understand certain commands from the outset. Many adult dogs have already had some training. They might already be leash trained or even know certain commands like sit, stay, etc.

With the adult dog population on the upsurge, adopting one from a shelter is literally saving a life.  While many first-time pet owners may wish to get a puppy, you may not find many puppies in shelters, but you’ll have a lot of adult dogs to choose from. Plus you won’t have to pay the high dollar price-tags a pet store or breeder will be demanding.

If you can take a moment to look at it from a dog’s perspective, you’ll realize that many dogs become neglected by their owners, or perhaps the owners can no longer take care of them. Recently, due to the economic slowdown, many dog owners have lost their homes to foreclosures and been forced to give up their pets. Suddenly Fido finds himself living in a shelter. Most shelters do try their best, but living in a shelter is neither pleasant nor conducive to a dog’s emotional state of mind. This can leave the dogs depressed and lethargic.

A dog awaiting adoption
A dog waiting for adoption

If you’ve ever gone to a shelter, you may have noticed when you walk by cage after cage that some dogs become excited, often press their noses up against the cage or try to reach out with their paws.  Others may just sit in a corner and look up with sad eyes.

Consider adopting an adult dog. Take him home and care for him. You’ll soon discover that the rewards are immeasurable. With so many unique breeds and personalities to choose from your almost guaranteed to find a perfect fit for your home. I can pitch this all day, but the truth is: You’re not just bringing them home, you’re giving them a second chance. Both of my dogs came from our local shelter.

Do you plan on getting a new dog to the family this year?

6 thoughts on “Top 10 Advantages of Getting an Adult Dog

  1. I have adopted from rescues and highly recommend it to all of my friends. When I hear people talking about buying a puppy, I get up on my soapbox, state the case against puppy mills and pet stores. Then, if they still want to get a puppy, I continue to tell them how evil puppies can be (just kidding)! After all of my informative talk, if they still purchase a puppy, at least they are now educated in the process. 🙂

    1. Jodi,

      It’s fantastic to hear you have adopted from rescues. All of the dogs I have ever owned have also come from rescues and like you I go out of my way to educated people about the advantages of adopting a dog from rescues.

  2. Hi Kelley

    I love this post. I think you’re touching on a very important subject: adult dogs often have undeservedly bad press and they need more advocates.

    I am not entirely sure about reduced vet bills, though, as the older the dog, the closer it is to the dreaded last years, with their truck load of old-age ailments. But you have a point about pups being quite “veterinarily” expensive.

    I think one of the biggest selling points that you make for most people is ‘less soiled carpet’ factor.

    On a personal basis, what always prompts me to get adult dogs is that they are the ones in the most urgent need of being adopted (from shelters), as pups will find a home sooner. And it’s articles like yours that contribute to mitigating this phenomenon.

    Some (all pawsitive!) comments about blogging technique and design:

    I loooooove a list post. Especially top 10’s. It’s very attractive as you know you won’t have to strain through really long sentences and endless monologues (my biggest writing sins).

    The design of your site is awesome too (that brown frame, the way the sidebar is arranged)

    I love that the paragraphs are short, and prefixed by a header. Breaks it down to manageable pieces.

    And WHAT IN THE WORLD is that dog in the first picture? I love it. Looks like a spotted Weimeraner!

    1. Laure-Anne thanks for your comment. Older dogs are great to adopt I have adopted older dogs in the past and recommend it. I have been lucky with the dogs I have adopted they haven’t had too many problems as they were aging. I always make sure to feed a high quality diet and I often supplement it with a hip and joint supplement if I notice any stiffness starting. Maybe that is why.

      I agree one of the biggest benefits for most people is “less soiled carpets.”

      I am not sure what breed the dog in the first picture is. I used stock photography for the picture but a spotted Weimeraner seems like a good pick.

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