Summer Heat

Summer’s not over and those lingering hot days can really sneak up on you and your pet. Every year over 5,000 pets die from exposure to the excessive heat inside cars. When taking those last minute road-trips and traveling with you cat or dog make sure you remember that your pets can overheat much faster than you. Be mindful of your pet and with just a few simple things you can help your critter stay cool, comfortable and healthy wherever your go and avoid a potentially lethal tragedy.

When I travel with Sadie and Rusty I always make sure they have water available. I have an expandable water bowl
(It works great!) that I use for when we travel. Sadie and Rusty love to drink 1/3 of the water and spill the rest of all over everything.  It’s messy, but I’m prepared, because I put down a mat to catch the excess water. I also take a full thermos of water with me just in case their bowl needs a refill.




Besides staying hydrated my two pooches love to stick their heads out of the car window, it helps them manage the heat, experience the fresh air, smell the world, and it’s really cute. But in this case cute is also dangerous; dogs don’t understand the risk hanging outside a moving vehicle can pose, which is why we owners have to be mindful. To protect my canine companions, I buckle then each into their own seatbelt. The seatbelts are great, and they ensure my pups don’t accidentally get thrown from the car while it’s in motion.

Last, always make sure to leave the window open so your pets can get to cool air. If it’s hot outside and no cool air is available keep the A/C running. If you have to leave your car, never leave your pets alone in the car, get the leash and take them outside to the closest available shade.

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