First Aid Kit For Dogs


First Aid Kit For Dogs

Many dogs will end up with an injury or sudden illness that will require immediate attention at some point in their lives. This is why having a first aid kit for your dog is so important. This way you will have the supplies you need close by in order to care for your dog until you can get her to the vet.

How to Store Everything

Keep all your supplies in a portable container and label it with something like “Pet First Aid Kit.” I keep one in my car and one in my home.

Tape to the inside lid of the container 

  1. Number for your vet
  2. Number of the Emergency vet closest to you
  3. Poison control number — ASPCA’s hotline number 1-888-426-4435
  4. List of any medications your pet takes
  5. Copy of vaccination records

Dressings & Bandages: 

These are used to wrap wounds and to control bleeding.

  1. Adhesive Tape 
  2. Gauze Pads 
  3. Gauze Rolls 
  4. Triangular Bandages
  5. Clean towels (paper and cloth)
  6. Individually-Wrapped Sanitary Napkins


  1. Digital Thermometer (check battery twice a year)
  2. Scissors (blunt end)
  3. Tweezers
  4. Eye Dropper
  5. Oral syringe 

Ointments, Disinfectants & Medications:

  1. Povidone Iodine for wound disinfecting 
  2. Antibiotic ointment 
  3. Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) to induce vomiting (after consulting with a vet or poison control center) or to get rid of skunk smell.
  4. Vinegar or Baking Soda (a mild alkali for neutralizing burns caused by acids)
  5. Activated Charcoal for absorbing poisons (after consulting with a vet or poison control center)
  6. Styptic powder/stick 
  7. Benadryl
  8. Eyewash
  9. Petroleum Jelly (or other sterile lubricant for thermometer)
  10. Chemical Ice Pack

Miscellaneous Equipment & Supplies:

  1. Tick removal tool 
  2. Small Flashlight
  3. Nail Clipper
  4. Cotton balls
  5. Betadine Solution
  6. Bach Rescue Remedy
  7. Homeopathic Aconitum for shock
  8. Ear cleanser
  9. Antiseptic wipes
  10. Extra Leash and Collar
  11. Muzzle
  12. Plastic Bags (for clean up or samples)
  13. Permanent Marking Pen (to label samples)
  14. Towel or Blanket (large enough to transport your dog)
  15. Gloves (Latex or Nitrile)

Keep your kit in an easy to access place and make sure to let everyone in the family know where it is. Remember to check expiration dates on all items every six months.

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