Do Cats Need Professional Grooming

Cats are known for their meticulous grooming. After all, they do spend a good amount of time during the day licking and cleaning their fluffy coats. And that is exactly why a lot of owners don’t think that their cats need to be professionally groomed. However, even though cats need professional grooming less frequently than dogs do, it is still a good idea to have your cat groomed every once in a while and here’s why.

Do cats need grooming

They won’t get as many mats in their fur

This is especially true when you have a long hair cat. However, all cat’s hair can easily get tangled and matted. Mats can be pretty uncomfortable or even painful they often will pull your cats’ skin. With regular cat grooming, you can keep your kitty’s fur brushed and trimmed to a healthy length, which helps to keep mats away. Fewer mats mean your cat will have less discomfort and a healthier coat overall. It actually stimulates the production of natural oils and distributes them to keep your pet’s hair and skin moisturized and healthy.

You can quickly detect skin irritation and parasites

When your cat has fleas and ticks that aren’t treated it can cause serious health problems. One of the best benefits of grooming is that the groomer can easily locate parasites as he or she combs through your cat’s fur. This allows you to protect your cat’s health by starting treatment.

They won’t shed as much

Cat allergies can be pretty bothersome for some. And if someone in your home suffers from allergies, professional grooming is pretty important. Cats who are groomed often leave less dander and shedding around the home. Plus, it also means you don’t have to spend as much time dealing with cleaning up cat hair around your house. Even more than that, the less dead hair they have in their coats, the less they will swallow as they clean. That means fewer hairballs, which is something we all want.

It helps keep their claws healthy

This may not be as necessary if your cat goes outside frequently and scratches on trees. However, in general, your cat’s nails need to be trimmed fairly often to prevent them from becoming overgrown. Claws that are overly long are more likely to get stuck in bedding or carpet and may affect how your cat walks, which can eventually lead to pain and arthritis. If you hear your cat’s claws picking on the bedding or carpeting, it is a sure sign that it’s time to take them in for a trim.

So basically, yes your cat will definitely benefit from regular professional grooming. While they won’t need to go as often as your dog, but they should still see a groomer every once in a while. Their coat will be shiner, their health in better check and you’ll have less fur to clean up around the house. All great reasons to contact your groomer today!

I really like Allison at Trailblazers. She is a cat lover and takes her time ensuring the cat is as comfortable as possible.

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