A Guide To Working From Home With Your Dog

Work from home with dog

Some people dream of working from home. They think about sleeping in, working in the PJs, not needing to worry about how they look and best of all getting to spend the entire day hanging out with your pets. But if you have never worked from home before it can be a challenging transition.

In this guide, we’ll go over ways to help you work from home and also give you some tips to be the most productive you can – whilst still enjoying the freedom of a home working environment.

Tips To Help Your Dog Get Used To You Working From Home

Your dog won’t understand that you are now working from home and have things to do. They just see you being home as an extended weekend of fun. So there are things you can do to create a good working environment for you both.

#1. Create A Schedule For You And Your Dog

It’s important to maintain a schedule for both of you. Getting your dog into a routine will help them get used to the change to their norm. Remember they are used to napping in the day and not having anyone around – so if there is no routine they are likely going to want your attention all day long.

Dogs very quickly get used to a routine and will get to know when to expect their walks, snack breaks etc.

#2. Start The Day With A Long Walk

I start every morning with a long walk with Sherlock. This helps wear him out. Once we get back he will take a nap and I am able to get a lot of work done. If your dog is restless then it’s likely that they won’t settle and it will make it hard for you to get any work done.

You might also enjoy reading: Pet Lovers Guide to Chico

 #3. Make Sure They Have Plenty Of Toys To Play With

Frozen kongs can keep a dog occupied for hours. It’s definitely worth giving them interactive toys if you find they are restless while you are working.

It’s probably best to avoid squeaky toys – for your own sanity!

I do find the radio on low in the background stops my dogs from reacting (and barking) at every noise they hear. This will vary from dog to dog though.

 #4. Create A Nice Space For Them To Relax

You may have created a workspace for yourself, so it’s a good idea to make sure your dog has their own space. For Sherlock, I have a dog bed and a crate with a bed in my office which gives him a couple of choices as to where he wants to be.

Just like with a schedule, dogs will learn where their place is and will go straight to it as long as they are well exercised and ready to relax.

#5. Keep Up With Any Training You May Have Started

Training is a great way to help keep your dog mentally and physically stimulated. Sherlock and I have two five minute training times incorporated into our day. It is a great way to take a break from work and have some fun while you’re doing it.  I keep the training breaks short so neither Sherlock or I get bored or frustrated.

Not sure how to train your dog? Here is a great dog trainer with loads of videos you can watch 

 #6. Consider A Dog Free Workspace

This is hard for some people however there are times when you may need a dog-free work area. This can happen when your dog just doesn’t understand you need time to get work done and they think it’s playtime.  It might be during a conference call you have or when you have a deadline to meet. You can use a gate to keep them from being able to enter your office or maybe have an area in another part of the house set aside for them while you work then you can play/hangout during lunch/break times.

 #7. Hire A Dog Walker

A lot of people find that they do not have as much free time working from home as they thought they might. Hiring a dog walker gives you more of your time back and uninterrupted time to get a lot of work done.  It saves you from constantly needing to get up to let your dog out to go potty – you can have a dog walker take care of it for you.

You might also enjoy reading: Reasons To Hire A Dog Walker

#8. Make Time For Cuddles And Love

Working from home is likely to be an adjustment for both of you. So it could take time for you to create a new routine that works for everyone.

Sometimes a quick cuddle and some love is all your dog wants. And then you can both get to back to work (their work being sleeping!)

Tips To Be As Productive As Possible While Working From Home

As a business owner I have worked from home for several years and have learned a few tips to keep myself productive and on track.

Hopefully these tips might help you if you struggle to get into the groove of home working.

#1. Make A List At The Start Of The Week Of Things To Do

I like to plan out my week. I will sit down on a Monday morning and make a list of the things I want to get done for the week. Once I have my list I will break it down into daily tasks and put the tasks into my planner.

I will make the list to include both my personal to-do list like working out, chores around the house and my worklist. This helps me to put things into my planner at appropriate times and makes sure I am able to get everything on my list completed by the end of the week.

#2. Create A Nice Work Space

I have a room in my house set aside as my office. This helps me to separate my work time from my family time. It can be really easy to get sidetracked if you do not have a place that you only do work from.  Sometimes it is impossible to have a dedicated workspace but it really does make a big difference to have a spot where you visit each day to work and then come away when you are done. I found I end of checking emails, answering the phone and never really stopped working when I didn’t have a place set aside for just work.

#3. Get Out Of The PJ’s

I know it sounds great to be able to wear whatever you want all day. However,  there is a mindset change when you get dressed and put on your “work clothes.” It will help you get into work mode and you will be more productive.

You can still be casual and comfy – just not PJ comfy.

#4. Take Your Normal Breaks

Having a routine where you start at a certain time and take breaks and lunch at specific times really does help.

Try not to eat at your desk. Apart from the crumbs…it’s a good idea to take a break from the PC as you would if you were working in an office.

#5. Get Some Fresh Air/Exercise

This could be sitting in the garden for 30 minutes and taking in some fresh air. Or it could be a walk in the park with your dog, 20 minutes on the treadmill or an online yoga class. It really doesn’t matter. Do whatever works for you. Just make sure you get out of the house some and enjoy fresh air and moving in some fashion. It’s really easy to get working and not move away from your computer all day. I would add this time to your daily planner.

#6. Stay Away From Household Chores

It can be tempting to think … will I just put a wash on or just empty the dishwasher – but it’s important to keep these tasks to outside the working day.

Having very distinct work and personal/home lives is really important to create a good working practice.

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