5 Ways Your Dog Can Help You Get Fit

Often the New Year inspires us to make a resolution that usually gets ignored by February. My personal favorite promise is to include more exercise in my daily schedule. I always start out with the best of intentions then before I know it, my willpower fails, my priorities change, and somehow my resolution to get healthier expires. One year, I even bought an expensive gym membership, that I never used. Sound familiar?

What if I told you that as a dog owner you have the best exercise partner that you could ever have wanted.

5 Ways Your Dog Can Help You Get Fit

Why Your Dog Makes A Good Fitness Partner

#1. Encouragement To Go For A Walk

Here’s how the magic works in my house: Everyday Sherlock knows he will be going for a walk. He has come to love and expect these daily one-hour expeditions and he’ll bounce, prance, and ogle me until I succumb to his less-than-subtle hints. If I even walk near the door, he’ll stare at me with the saddest puppy look he can muster and guilt me into taking him out. It’s his expert ability to dish out guilt-trips that makes my furry boy such a remarkable personal trainer. Even a best friend will sometimes skip out on a workout session, but my boy will never be too busy.

#2. Keep You Company

Dogs are always more than ready to go out on an adventure with you. If you hate walking alone and prefer to have a walking partner your dog is perfect. Having your dog to talk to (we know you do) give you someone to share the experience with.

#3. Helps You Keep A Good Pace

I know I tend to stroll rather than walk sometimes unless I have something to keep my pace. While your dog might stop to sniff the grass, tree etc. they do keep you are a nice pace most of the time.

They also stop you from giving up. You can’t get 5 minutes into your walk and then decide you are tired and go home when you have your dog with you. They will want to carry on walking and keep you going.

#4. Makes You Happy

You’re dog always looks forward to getting out of the house and walking. Sitting at home all day can get pretty boring for your dog. Seeing how happy your dog is while out on the walk makes it so you’ll be happy. Plus the endorphins that get released when you exercise will also help to make you a happier person.

#5. Get to Know Your Neighbors

You’ll get to know your neighbors by walking your dog in the neighborhood. Research has shown when walking your dog you’re more likely to greet other people, exchange favors with neighbors, and take time to get talk to them while you’re out walking your dog.

Things To Take On A Dog Walk

#1. Dog Walking Bag

These are great for holding all the items listed below. I like to have a waist pack that is easy to access.

#2. Water & Bowl

With the heat in Chico, I always make sure I have water with me. It’s important to always stay hydrated.

#3. Mobile Phone

Just in case and because I love taking pictures when I’m out walking. Make sure your phone is charged and ready to go.

#4. Dog Leash

Keeping your dog on leash will help prevent them from getting into things that can be harmful. It’s a great way to help keep your dog safe. If you like the idea of giving your dog more freedom I recommend getting a long lead.

#5. No Pull Harness

These harnesses gently prevent your dog from pulling and gives you more control. Using a no-pull harness can make the walk a lot more enjoyable and prevent your dog from getting hurt. Ruffwear has a few good harnesses that I like.

#6. Poop Bags

Dealing with dog poop is just part of dog ownership. I like to buy bags that are partially made out of plant fibers to reduce the amount of plastic going into the landfill. Earth rated has some great poop bags.

#7. Treats

Great for training and encouraging good behavior. I love treats from Icelandic+

#8. First Aid Kit

I like to have a pocket-size first aid kit just in case. Want to know what to keep in your first aid kit? First Aid Kit For Dogs

#9. Headlamp

If you’re walking at night in an area that is not well lit a headlamp lets you keep your hands free. Reflective clothing is another great way to stay safe while walking in the dark.

How Far Should You Walk Each Day?

This depends on you and your dog. If you haven’t had much exercise start out slow and work up. You can use a fitness tracker like Fitbit to keep track or an app. One of my favorite apps is WoofTrax which also will donate to a shelter of your choice.

You can keep track of your dogs’ daily activity using something like FitBark.

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