Your Dog’s Teeth: Why You Should Care


Besides the obvious problems of poor doggie dental hygiene. The main reason I think dog owners should care about their dog’s teeth is love. You love your pet and you want them to live a long and healthy life: Right? Well, trust me clean teeth will make a big difference.

There’s more at stake than just bad breath for a dog suffering with a diseased mouth. The bacteria associated with infected teeth and gums doesn’t just stay inside the mouth. The bacteria find their way into your dog’s bloodstream and can spread, affecting your pet’s heart, kidneys, digestive system, and joints. These are some very serious side effects that dog owners can help prevent just by being proactive with their dog’s dental care.A Dog With Periodontal Disease

By six months of age puppy’s have all 42 permanent teeth. Just like in humans these are the teeth your dog will use for the rest of their life. However, unlike humans, dogs manipulate the world through their mouths. A dog uses his mouth like you use your hands. Imagine how horrible it would be to use a diseased mouth with sensitive gums and cracked broken teeth to pick up your toys and play fetch with. Your dog’s mouth is his tool and it’s our duty as dog owners to help maintain it.

How many dog owners start the day saying, “Yuck! Dog breath!” I’m guessing there’s a lot since more than 70% of dogs over the age of three already have some type of dental disease. Bad breath is not just a symptom, it’s a wedge driving itself between you and your dog. Before you know it, you’re avoiding your dog’s breath which means you are avoiding your dog. Dogs are very social animals, they want to stick their faces next to yours and say hello. If they have bad breath you are more likely to push them away. Don’t push them away. Instead, redirect that energy and use it as a reminder to become proactive with your dog’s dental care.

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