Yoga Dogs Book Review

Every once in a while a book comes along that makes you smile and awaken the child inside. For me, Yoga Dogs written by Dan Borris and published by Stewart Tabori Chang is just such a book.

Yoga Dogs is a compilation of forty-five adorable dog photographs cleverly and comically manipulated into a variety of yoga poses. These photos are intriguing to the eye, and because the photo manipulation is so skillfully applied you are quick to loose yourself in the pure elation of seeing man’s best friend captured in these challenging poses.

Yoga Dogs is a vacation for the mind, an opportunity to leave reality behind. Adding to the experience the book contains an alternate reality of history pertaining to the roots of dog-related Yogis, and is infused with clever, dog-related, lessons for life. One such lesson reads:

One does not chase the car
in order to catch the car.

These two short lines made me burst out laughing. Brilliant! This is a mere taste of what Yoga Dogs has to offer. The full book is profoundly full of similar delights.

This is a great book for yogis or any dog lover. I couldn’t help but laugh at the several humorous quotes and insightful dog wisdom. Check back tomorrow to learn how to win a free copy of “Yoga Dogs.”

Disclosure: I received a copy of Yoga Dogs for review and giveaway. I was not paid for my review or giveaway.  All opinions are strictly my own.

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