Sweetheart or pet?


If you were forced to choose between your pet and your significant other, who would win? It seems most people would choose their significant other. However, a recent poll discovered that 14% of people asked this question said they would choose their pet over their other half. I’m willing to bet those same 14% are also will to buy natural dog products to keep their four-legged friend healthy and happy.

In a Petside.com poll conducted by GFK Roper Public Affairs and Corporate Communications, 14 percent of current pet owners would choose their dogs, cats, fish, or ferrets over their spouses or significant others. The poll was done by telephone interviews of 1,050 adults, which included 1,000 pet owners. All factors including gender, age, marital status, and geographics were considered.

Of the 14 percent who chose their pets, most were unmarried. Ninety percent of married people said they would choose their spouse. Women were more inclined to keep their human partners; 40 percent were women and 26 percent were men. Only 8 percent of married pet owners were definite about choosing their pets.

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