Safari Nail Trimmers Review

Yesterday I tried out the Safari stainless steel nail trimmer. Until yesterday my dogs had never had their nails trimmed. I was always afraid I’d hit the quick. The Safari Nail Trimmer has a build in “safety stop” to prevent injury.

The first thing I found when using the Safari Nail Trimmer is the “safety stop” would have left my dogs bleeding. It allows you to cut way too much nail off at one time. I was leary of cutting the quick so I decided to cut just half of what the safety would have allowed and on one back toe nail I still managed to nick the quick. I didn’t cut it very deep fortunately, but if I had used the “safety stop” I would have had to make an unexpected trip to the vet.

Safari Nail Trimmer however does have a very nice handle, I had no problem holding onto it. It felt good in my hand and was easy to handle. When my husband trimmed Sadie’s nails he also liked the feel of the Safari Nail Trimmers. It was sharp enough I only have to make one quick cut for each nail, I did not have to use a lot of strength to cut the nails.  It allowed me to make very short cuts without any problem. I liked the Safari Nail Trimmers, I would not rely on their safety feature however, you can buy Safari Nail Trimmers by clicking here.



Steps to take when cutting your dogs toe nails.

First thing you’re going to do is check to make sure your dogs nails need to be trimmed. If you hear clicking when you’re dog walks his/her nails need trimming.

If you happen to wash your dog first it will make cutting the nail easier, no mud, dirt etc to get in the way.

You’re dog is most likely not going to enjoy having her nails trimmed, especially if this is the first time she’s ever had her nails trimmed. I like to sit on the floor and have my dog lay down on her side. I will start by giving her a treat for laying down. I also give her a treat and praise after each cut.

Hold onto the paw gently but firmly, clip the nails from underneath and hold the clippers at a slight angle keeping with the curve of the nail. Clip very small slices, this will help you avoid hitting the quick.

If your dog has white nails, your lucky, you’ll be able to see the quick, the pink line in the nail. If your dog has dark colored nails, like both of mine, clip just the tip until you see a horseshoe shape on the cut end. I never saw the horseshoe shape but have been told it does exist, same can be said of the Loch Ness monster.

If you accidentally cut into the quick, it will cause pain and bleeding and if you’re like me, you will feel really guilty. If the bleeding is slight use a little bit of Styptic Powder, cornstarch or flour to stop the bleeding. Dab a small of amount of the styptic onto the nail that is bleeding and hold with gentle pressure. If the blood is spurting or the bleeding doesn’t stop after several minutes call your vet.

I recommend having plenty of dog treats available and give them to her with ample praise.

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