Rusty’s Trip to Fort Bragg

Here’s a little something to remind us summer will be back before you know it.

This picture was taken of Rusty last year while we were in Fort Bragg. Rusty had a great time swimming in the ocean.

Rusty thought Fort Bragg was a very dog friendly place. He especially loved the fact he was allowed to go almost everywhere my husband I went including the botanical gardens and Point Cabrillo Lighthouse. At both the botanical gardens and at the light house he was given dog treats.

Rusty also had a lot of fun walking though Mendocino where most of the shop owners were always ready to hand out a treat to any well behaved canine patron.

Rusty also loved staying at the Shoreline Cottages where they provided food and water bowls, potty bags, a towel for him to dry off with, and several types of treats.

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