Poisonous Foods For Dogs


We talk to our dogs, play with them and sometimes even dress them in costumes. It’s no wonder we start thinking of them as little fury people. But regardless of how human-like they may seem, dog owners should strive to avoid feeding their dogs foods meant for humans and especially the following foods.

Alcoholic Beverages – It affects dogs like it does humans only to a greater degree. Just like in humans it can result in vomiting, diarrhea, coördination problems, coma, and death.

Cooked Bones – Don’t give cooked bones to your dog. Toss them in the trash instead. Cooked bones become hardened and can splinter. Splintered bones are sharp and jagged, becoming very dangerous for any dog that is trying to eat them.

Caffeine – Caffeine shouldn’t be given to dogs, it is most commonly found in coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate.

Cat Food – Contains too much fat and protein.

Chocolate – Contains a substance called theobromine. Even just a small amount will cause an upset stomach in your dog and too much will result in seizure and death.

Fat Trimmings – Whether cooked or raw, fat trimmed from meat shouldn’t be given to dogs. Feeding fat to your dog can cause pancreatitis.

Fish (Raw) – Avoid giving raw fish to your dog. Raw fish can expose your dog to bacteria like Salmonella or E. Coli. Also raw fish can introduce a parasite that causes “fish disease.” Untreated this parasite can kill your dog within two weeks.

Grapes and Raisins – It might be fun to treat your dog to these little fruits but don’t, They can cause kidney failure in dogs.

Ice Cream – Ice cream and other dairy foods are tasty and very tempting to share with your pooch. But dairy foods can upset a dog’s stomach and can manifest into skin allergies.

Moldy or Spoiled Food (Garbage) – Can contain toxins, and the added risk of digestive obstructions if your dog consumes discarded food packaging.

Nuts – Dogs should never be fed nuts. All nuts should be treated as suspect but especially foods containing macadamia nuts should be avoided. Just six macadamia nuts can make a dog very ill and even cause kidney failure and death.

Onions – Anything with onions in it is bad for your dog. They destroy red blood cells and can cause anemia. A small amount probably won’t make your dog sick, but too much will cause diarrhea, vomiting, a disinterest in food and breathlessness.

Salt – Don’t share salty foods with your dog. Excessive salt can cause fatal sodium ion poisoning.

Sugar – Don’t share sweet candies and sugary treats with your dog. Sugar can cause obesity, dental problems and diabetes in dogs.

Uncooked Dough (Containing Yeast) – Uncooked dough rises when cooked. If your dog eats it, the dough will rise in your dog’s digestive system causing discomfort and releasing alcohol, which can cause alcohol poisoning.

Xylitol – Is an artificial sweetener. It is found in everything from diet foods to toothpaste. Xylitol can cause liver failure in dogs.

The above list is by no means all-inclusive. There are still many other foods that are harmful or fatal to dogs. If your dog does eat something toxic or if you think your dog has become poisoned. Immediately call the Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA) at 1-888-426-4435 and try to learn the cause of the poisoning to determine how much poison was consumed.

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