7 Tips to Help Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

As summer rolls in, bringing its sweltering temperatures, pet owners must ensure their furry friends stay cool and comfortable. Dogs are particularly susceptible to heat-related illnesses due to their limited ability to sweat and their thick fur coats. To help your canine companion beat the heat, we’ve compiled a list of seven essential tips that will keep your dog safe and happy during the hottest months of the year.

#1 A Small Pool for Splashing Fun

A small pool can be a fantastic addition to your backyard. Many dogs love to jump in, splash around, and cool off in their own doggie pool. This not only helps them regulate their body temperature but also offers a great source of entertainment. Choose a shallow, sturdy pool that is easy for your dog to enter and exit. Place it in a shaded area to keep the water from getting too warm and to provide a comfortable environment for your pup to play in.

#2 Make Sure Your Dog Have Plenty Of Water

On hot summer days, the water in your dog’s bowl can quickly warm up, making it less appealing for them to drink. To ensure your dog stays hydrated and cool, add ice cubes to their water dish throughout the day. The ice will help keep the water cool and refreshing, encouraging your dog to drink more. Staying hydrated is essential for regulating body temperature and preventing heatstroke.

#3 A Cooling Bed for Ultimate Comfort

When the heat becomes unbearable, many dogs abandon their cozy beds for the coolness of hard tile floors. To give your pup a comfortable and cool place to rest, invest in a cooling dog bed. These beds are designed to dissipate heat and provide a refreshing surface for your dog to relax on. Look for options with gel inserts or breathable fabrics, and place the bed in a shaded area to maximize its cooling effect. Your dog will appreciate the extra comfort during those hot summer days.

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#4 Frozen Treats for a Chilled Delight

Treat your dog to a frosty delight with homemade frozen treats. While many companies offer frozen dog snacks, you can easily create your own at home. Mix bone broth with fresh blueberries or bananas, pour the mixture into ice cube trays, and freeze. When the temperature rises, pop out a few of these frozen goodies and watch your dog enjoy a delicious and cooling snack. Not only are these treats refreshing, but they’re also packed with nutrients and flavor.

#5 Morning Exercise for Cooler Adventures

To avoid the peak heat of the day, schedule your dog’s exercise sessions for the early morning. This way, you both can enjoy the outdoors without overheating. Take advantage of cooler temperatures by visiting shaded areas like parks or rivers where your dog can swim and stay cool. Early morning walks also mean less crowded paths, giving your dog more space to explore and play. Always bring water along to keep your dog hydrated during your adventures.

#6 Bring Your Dog Inside for Some Cool Air

If you’re seeking refuge from the heat with air conditioning, remember that your dog needs it too. With their fur coats, dogs can struggle to regulate their body temperature. Allow them to join you indoors where it’s cool and comfortable. Set up a cozy spot near a fan or an air vent, and provide plenty of water. Creating a cool indoor environment not only keeps your dog comfortable but also protects them from the dangers of heatstroke.

#7 Never Leave Your Dog in a Vehicle

It’s crucial to never leave your dog in a parked vehicle, even for a few minutes. Temperatures inside a car can skyrocket to dangerous levels, exceeding 100 degrees in just minutes. On extremely hot days, it can reach over 120 degrees in less than five minutes. This can be fatal for your dog. If you need to run errands, leave your dog at home where they’re safe and cool. Always prioritize their safety and well-being, especially during the summer heat.

Keeping your dog cool during the hot summer months doesn’t have to be a chore. With a bit of creativity and planning, you can ensure your furry friend stays comfortable and happy. From splashy pool parties to tasty frozen treats, these tips will help you and your dog make the most of the summer while staying safe and cool. Remember, a little extra effort can go a long way in protecting your pet from the heat. Enjoy the summer fun with your four-legged companion.

6 thoughts on “7 Tips to Help Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

  1. Summers here in Florida are miserably hot. I take those pliable cold packs and wrap them in a bandana. Then I wrap this around Tanner’s neck and tie the ends.

    I’ve even got some teenie-tiny ice packs that work for my Papillon. The dogs seem to enjoy the cooling effect of this strategy.

  2. Thanks for all the great ideas, I am definitely going to try the pupsicles. I like the pool idea but I don’t know if my dogs will go for it, they are skiddish around water, when I put them in the tub for a bath they FREAK out!! Cool bed definitely of my purchase list!

    1. Adrianna,

      Happy to help with ideas! Sadie and Rusty love the pupsicles and frozen fruit like blueberries as a way to cool off. Your three are very small so I’m not sure they’d like a pool either but I think the bed would be a winner.

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