Dog Massage

dog-massageEveryone needs a massage from time to time, including your dog. If you’ve ever had a massage you know how much better you feel afterward. Massage is a gentle, non-invasive therapy that can relieve pain and stress. Whether your dog is a companion pet, agility dog, show dog, or service dog, dog massage is a great way to maintain your dog’s health and well-being.

After a day of romping and playing massage can help reduce stiffness and fatigue in your dog by increasing the circulation and flushing waste products from the muscle tissues. Massage can help your dog deal with the stress of boarding that they may experience while you’re away. Or, for your older dog, massage may be just what the doctor ordered. They can feel the effects of a good massage in their joints and immune system.

A dog massage is beneficial to all of your dog’s systems, not just the specific area that may be painful. Along with regular veterinary visits, massage is a proactive therapy that addresses future health issues and also helps with certain problems your pet may already have. Fortunately, dogs give clear feedback when they are being massaged so when your dog is receiving a massage, the massage can be tailored to fit his/her specific sore areas. Massage helps maintain the overall health and vigor of your pet. Listed below are some benefits of massage therapy for your pet:

  • Reduces anxiety/stress
  • Shortens healing time of strained muscles and sprained ligaments
  • Aids in digestion
  • Fosters a feeling of well-being
  • Reduces pain and swelling (including inter-vertebral, joint and muscle)
  • Decreases blood pressure
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Reduces formation of excessive scar tissue (less scar tissue build-up means better mobility)
  • Reduces muscle spasms
  • Helps relieve muscle tension and stiffness
  • Provides greater joint flexibility and increases range of motion
  • Stimulates liver and kidney functions
  • Improves circulation of blood and movement of lymphatic fluids
  • Promotes deeper and easier breathing
  • Enhances the health and nourishment of the skin and coat
  • And many more

There are cases when dog massage should not be used. If your dog has a fever, bone fracture, rash or is in shock take your dog to your veterinary. To avoid inducing premature labor do not massage the back or stomach if your dog is pregnant.


Learn how to massage your dog today! Check out Dog Massage Secrets.

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