Annual Chico Elk’s Lodge Dog Parade

This weekend I went to the 2nd Annual Chico Elk’s Lodge Dog Parade. This event is held every year to raise money for North Valley Animal Disaster Group and Habitat For Humanity. There was a dog parade, look-a-like contest, Cutest Dog (how do you judge that?) Best Kisser, Prettiest Female, Handsomest Male to name a few of the events.

There were many dogs dressed in their best for the event. Here are a couple of pictures I took during the event.

Dominic and Lilly after the Parade

Dominic and Lilly take a moment to relax after strutting their stuff in the dog parade.

If anyone can remember this dogs name please email me or write in the comments below. She looks so cute in her homemade costume.

She was a curious pup, wanted to take a closer look at the camera.

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