Pet Odors? – Fresh Wave Pet Gel Crystals Review

If you have a dog (or husband) then occasionally you’re exposed to offensive odors. There are a variety of products intended to combat odor, but Fresh Wave’s Pets Gel Crystals
is my new favorite stink destroyer. Unlike candles or sprays that mask odors these remarkable Pet Gel Crystals, actually do what they’re supposed to do: They neutralize the stink.

Fresh Wave’s products use an electrostatic charge to attract odor particles and pull them out of the air. Fresh Wave products are made with all-natural extracts of Aniseed, Clove, Cedar-wood, Lime, Pine Needle and Soya. The crystals are non-toxic and environmentally safe, which means you can leave the product out without worry. Like me, you can choose to combat one stinky situation at a time. Alternatively, if you have a stubborn problem area you can leave an open jar nearby for constant relief.

Fresh Wave says their product will last between 30-90 days depending on air flow. However, unless you have a persistent source of bad odor you don’t need to leave it open. I only use mine when I need it. I remove the lid when my nose is offended and then a couple of minutes later I re-close the product again. I have been using the same jar for over six months, and it is still working great. Can your candle do that?

Speaking of candles: Fresh Wave’s odor destroying technology has been applied to other products besides the crystals including:

Buy your Fresh Wave Products today, together we can make the world a better smelling place.

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