Pet Blogger Challenge

Last week Eddie from Will My Dog Hate Me and Amy from Go Pet Friendly put out a challenge to all pet bloggers to answer a few questions about the blog they maintain. Here are my answers! I can’t wait to read the answers from other pet bloggers.

When did you begin your blog?

I started with a blog on on 11/26/09. I moved everything to on 2/15/10.

What was your original purpose for starting a blog?

To share my findings about pet food and toys with other dog owners. My dog, Sadie, had been very sick from so many of the commercial dog foods. I wanted to share with other dog owners how bad most of the dog foods really are. Critter Minute was created to give dog owners a place where they could find products that would not hurt their dogs in anyway.

Is your current purpose the same? If not, what’s different? If so, how do you feel you’ve met your goals?

My goals are the same. I want Critter Minute to provide dog owners a place where they can learn about products, which are safe for their dogs. I would like to be able to do more product reviews.

Do you blog on a schedule or as the spirit moves you?

I try to blog on a schedule of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. However, sometimes I just cannot come up with anything to write about.

Are you generating income from your blog? If so, how (e.g. sponsor ads, affiliate relationships, spokesperson opportunities)? If not currently, do you hope to in the future — and how?

Not really, I do have an affiliate account through amazon and try to make enough to cover my hosting and Aweber costs. I like to do product reviews, and I will only promote products I believe in. I will not promote a product just to make money.

What do you like most about blogging in general and your blog in particular (bragging is good!)?

I love how much I have learned from the dog blogging community. Everyone is extremely friendly and willing to share. I also love the fact that my dogs are much healthier now that I have been educating myself.

What do you like least?

I hate the techie stuff, like trying to figure out SEO, keywords, or which plug-ins to use. I still have a lot to learn in these areas.

I also hate writers block, which I seem to have a lot of lately.

How do you see your blog changing or growing in 2011?

I would love more sales/traffic and interaction with readers/bloggers.

I plan on writing or doing a video on a more regular basis.

I also would like to get a sponsor or two for my blog.

Get more people to write guest posts for my blog and write more guest posts myself.

8 thoughts on “Pet Blogger Challenge

  1. Hi Kelley, don’t worry about the writes block it will come to you again ! Love your blog and always get a lot of practical dog tips out of it. Also liked when you started with video. Pictures say so much more then words, expecially for product reviews !

  2. Thanks for joining the Hop! It’s taken me some time to reach all of the posts, but I’m getting there. Glad I found your, as I’m all about talking to folks about *proper* nutrition for pets. Nice to meet you!

    1. Vicky,

      Thanks for stopping by. I still haven’t had a chance to read all the post yet either, I’m about half way there. There have been so many good blogs that I start reading other posts while I’m there. Nice to meet you too.

  3. Hi there, sorry I’m so very late getting here. Im so slow!

    I think your blog has a fantastic purpose. I’ve lately started home cooking food for my old sickly dog, Rufus and my much younger dog, Georgia. Rufus has defied the vet’s predictions and is still with us today. I have no doubt that his new non-commercial diet makes all the difference. So keep up the good work. I will be back to read more stuff. I already see the anesthetic post and am keen to find out more about that.

    Hope you’re having a happy weekend 🙂

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