PawTags – The Pet Recovery System

Have you ever thought about what you would do if you’re dog was lost? How would you go about finding him/her? My dogs are my kids, I would be devastated if anything were to happen to them. That is why I have a PawTags ID on both of my dogs.

PawTags is a rescue system to help you locate your dog should he/she ever go missing. With Pawtags you enter up to 10 phone numbers into your personal profile with each number you enter you can specify aunt, uncle, friend, cousin. You also enter a description of your pet, your vets information, and your pets microchip information.

PawTags has well trained operators 24 hrs a day 7 days a week who will help with finding your dog. If someone has found your dog and calls Pawtags the operators will keep that person on the line while they start calling the numbers on your lists. They will call each number and leave a message if there is no answer. When then get an answer they will use google maps from where the person who has your dog is located to your home address in order to help you get to where your dog is.

PawTags is the only company who has all 10,000 animal control facilities entered into their database system which means they have access to all facilities where you pet could be taken.

Some other advantages to PawTags

100% owner information privacy

You don’t have to get a new tag every time you move or change your phone number

Weatherproof – the numbers and coloration on the tag won’t fade

Guaranteed for life

Only $19.99 for a lifetime membership

To order PawTags Click on Shop Petlane, Dogs then in the search box type PawTags. This is a gift any dog owner will love.

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