Health Benefits of Owning a Dog

Health Benefits of Owning a Dog

A dog is certainly a great friend. After a difficult day, dog owners quite literally feel the love. As a dog owner you’re always greeted at the door when you come home. You never come home to an empty house.

Kids who own dogs are much less likely to develop allergies and asthma than children who do not grow up with dogs. This is because children exposed to dogs and cats develop stronger immune systems from the presence of the dog and the allergens that accompany these animals; an idea similar to exposing a child to the Chicken Pox.

On the subject of children and dogs, I also like the fact, that a dog will protect the household’s children from strangers that may threaten to harm them. Dog’s are social animals that are naturally accustomed to help care for the pack’s young. Make no mistake, the family dog will consider any children a part of the pack and do his/her best to protect and care for your child.

Dogs have been known to reduce depression. Interacting with your dog will increase your serotonin levels, which will help reduce depression. There are several programs, which offer dogs to soldiers with post-traumatic stress disorder. These programs are helping soldiers to cope with returning to civilian life.

Dog owners have lower blood pressure. Several studies have shown the simple act of stroking a dog can reduce blood pressure. More recent studies have found these effects continue throughout the day even when people are away from their dog. Dog owners cope with stress better and have lowered blood pressure as a consequence of the unique relationship shared between dog and human.

People who exercise regularly experience better overall health and dog owners are among the populations most active. Having a dog will encourage you to get out and exercise. Whether we walk our dog because they need it, or are more likely to enjoy a walk when we have companionship, dog owners do spend more time outdoors than non-dog owners.

As you can see there are many healthy benefits to dog ownership; everything from building a stronger immune system for our children to lowering high blood pressure and reducing stress. Further proof of how the dog is man’s best friend.

4 thoughts on “Health Benefits of Owning a Dog

    1. Amy,

      I couldn’t agree more, dogs teach us so much from unconditional love to having more patience. I can’t picture my life without Sadie and Rusty, they have brought so much love and joy.

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