3 Dog Magazines I Read

Here are the three dog magazine I enjoy reading on a regular basis. Each offers a different perspective on dogs.

Bark Magazine!

Bark is about life with dogs. This magazine covers topics about behavior, health, recreation and travel, culture and community, art and literature. Bark is well written and I enjoy the huge selection of advertisements in the back of the magazine. This magazine has taught me a great deal about all kinds of dogs, and the people, places and things connected with these amazing animals.

Whole Dog Journal

The all-natural way to a happy, healthy dog. The info you may learn in just ONE issue could save you a lot of money in the long run. It is serious about it’s mission, though not without humor. Unlike most magazines Whole Dog Journal does not carry any advertising, instead relying solely on subscribers for their profits. Inside you will find in-depth articles and reviews about pet foods, pet products, books, training (positive).

Modern Dog

Great dog articles and trends. Modern Dog features the best dog accessories, celebrity interviews, art, travel destinations, top trainers, dog psychology, puppy solutions, and so much more. It isn’t for the dog professional, or breeders, or show people – but is targeted for dog lovers. The magazine is well-written, full of timely articles, and includes ads from unique merchants.

These are the three magazines I read. What dog-related magazine do you like to read?

6 thoughts on “3 Dog Magazines I Read

  1. I have to admit, I dont read too many dog mags…nxt time Im at Barnes and Noble, I’ll be sure to check out Whole Dog Journal …the “no ads” thing is a definite selling point in my book

    thnx Kelley

    1. Dino and JJ,

      I don’t think you can examine Whole Dog Journal at Barnes and Noble, I have never seen it there. I was looking though the magazines offered on Amazon and read some reviews about Whole Dog Journal. I decided it give it a try. I figured I would only be out $20, and if I ended up not liking it I could still use it as a tax write off. Turns out, I agree with the positive comments on Amazon, I really like the information in Whole Dog Journal.

      JJ which magazine is APDT.

  2. I only get the APDT magazine, although we do have a collection of Whole Dog Journal given to us by a client.
    Now, DO they have these magazines at places like Barnes&Noble? I’d love to check them out and get a subscription if so.
    Nice article. =]

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